BULK: Call number from previous bib added to next bib's mfhd
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.1
Issue 16384-17825 bug report
Module: Bulk Import
Release replicated in: 8.1.0-8.1.1
Last version without bug: 8.0.0
Expected results: If no call number found in bib as specified in the call number hierarchy, the call number in the mfhd would be blank when creating mfhds via Bulk Import.
Actual results: If no call number found in bib as specified in the call number hierarchy, the call number from the previously loaded bib is added to the next bib's mfhd.
Workflow implications: Mfhds are given incorrect call numbers and manual cleanup is required.
Replication steps:
1. Need one bib with no call number data and one without call number data. The bib with the call number data must be the first in the file.
2. Create a bulk import rule with the following criteria:
a. Under Rules tab: Use a Bib Dup Profile that is set to Add-Unconditional (but please note that I was able to replicate using Replace also) and matching on any field (e.g. 035A).
b. Under Profiles tab: Check the option "bibs, mfhds" under Single
Click on the Single button and enter 999x for the Loc field/subfield, use * for the indicators.
c. Under the Mapping tab:
Enter * for MARC Item and MARC Type. For Item Type select Book. For Location, select Main.
Use Call Number hierarchy that is looking for tag 050
3. Import the file of records from step 1 with the bulkimport rule created in step 2.
4. In Cataloging look at the bib and mfhd records you just imported. Note that the record that had no call number field has the call number from the record loaded immediately before it in the mfhd.
If you are on Voyager 8.1.1 and are experiencing this bug, please submit an Incident via the eService and ask for the fix to Issue 16384-17825. Support can apply the fix for you.
If you are not on Voyager 8.1.1, you will need to upgrade to 8.1.1 before you can get this fix.
Fixed in subsequent releases (8.1.2 and above).
- Article last edited: 3/2/2015