BULK: Location mapped by BulkImport incorrect on Replace
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.2
Problem Symptoms:
* When incoming record replaces existing, wrong location mapped to MFHD
This is a defect in earlier versions of Voyager.
Not an issue in Voyager 9.0.0 and higher.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. Set up Single MFHD rule to import Bibs, MFHDs with "Replace" Duplicate Handling
2. Check box for "Create PO/MFHD/Item for Existing Bib" on Profile tab
3. Set Mapping tab with multiple lines and default mapping at bottom.
4. Import file.
Result: When bib added to database, MFHD location Mapping is correct. When bib replaces existing, first line in Mapping tab is used for MFHD location
Workaround: Uncheck "Create PO/MFHD/Item for Existing Bib". Review logs & then manually create MFHD for existing bibs.
Category: Batch jobs
- Article last edited: 6/9/2014