BULK: Number of copies per line item not used for multi-item import
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.2
Problem Symptoms:
* Number of copies per line item on PO after BulkImport is equal to the number of items created for that record during bulk import, not default set in System Administration > Cataloging > Bulk Import Rules > Orders > Number of Copies per Line Item.
This behavior is the result of Known Issue 16384-21105.
Fixed in Voyager 8.2.2.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. In SysAdmin, create a bulk import rule with the following specifications:
a. Profiles > Multiple MFHDs:
i. Bibs, MFHDs, multiple Items, POs
ii. Multiple ? > Create a MFHD for each location and group items with location under that MFHD
Orders ? > Number of Copies per Line Item = 1
b. Map other specifications specific to your records.
2. Import a record that will create multiple items under a specific mfhd, i.e., a multi-volume set that will have, for example, 5 volumes, but will be ordered as a single copy of a line item.
3. Review Purchase Order in Acquisitions.
4. Note line item has X copies on order where X is the number of items created.
1. Set import to import bibs, mfhds, POs and manually add item records, OR
2. Edit the line item on the purchase order in Detailed Line Item > Copies/Funds > Edit.
Category: bulkimport
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013