BULK: only first fund code used when importing multi items
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.2
Bug Report Form, 16384-18353
Module: Bulk import
Release replicated in: 8.1
Last version without bug: n/a (creation of multi items introduced in 8.1.0)
Expected results: Fund code for each item created from a bib record would be taken from the individual field the item information is in when creating multiple items for a PO in bulk import.
Actual results: Only the fund code in the first field is used for all subsequent items when creating multiple items via bulk import.
Workflow implications: Line items may have incorrect fund information, must be manually edited.
Replication steps:
1. In SysAdmin, set up a bulk import rule with the following:
*Multiple Mfhds > Bibs, Mfhds, multiple items, POs
*Multiple: Main Tag=949 ; subfield for location code=l
*Order/Vendor > choose required default values (vendor, line item type)
*Price/Fund > Price=949 $p ; Fund=949 $f
2. Using bulk import, import record with the rule you created.
3. Note that only the fund code from the first 949 $f is used.
Fixed in bulkimport for 8.1.2.
- Article last edited: 3/2/2015