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    BULKIMPORT: creating MFHDs when bib discarded

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.0

    Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-13953
    Module(s): Bulkimport
    Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
    PC OS (if applicable): n/a
    Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
    Release(s) replicated in: all

    Expected results: If bulk import matches an incoming bib record to multiple existing bibs; and
    Create MFHD for Existing Bib is checked in the bulk import rule; then bulk import will discard the incoming bib and not create a mfhd for any of the existing bibs.

    Actual results: If bulk import matches an incoming bib record to multiple existing bibs; and
    Create MFHD for Existing Record is checked in the bulk import rule; then bulk import will discard the incoming bib and creates a mfhd for the first bib it finds and none of the others.

    Workflow implications: Mfhds aren’t added to all matching records, and may be added when they’re not needed or wanted.

    Replication steps:
    1. Import a bib using a rule that will
    a. Match it to multiple bibs in the database; and
    b. Has Create Mfhd for Existing Bib checked.
    2. Look at the log. You’ll see something like this:
    1(1):Duplicate Bibs above threshold: replace 3, warning 0.
    BibID & rank
    19978 - 100
    63987 - 100
    63988 - 100
    DISCARD Cannot resolve. Record discarded.

    Processed: 1
    Added: 0
    Discarded: 1
    Rejected: 0
    Errored: 0
    Replaced: 0
    Merged: 0
    Deleted: 0
    Mfhds created: 1
    Items created: 0
    Wed Mar 30 13:25:50 2011

    3. You can see that 1 mfhd was created. If you look at the matched bibs in Cataloging, you’ll see the first bib now has a mfhd created by the bulk import.

    Other information: Current design dictates that only one mfhd can be created per incoming bib. And no mfhds should be created for any existing bibs if an incoming bib is discarded because it matches more than 1 existing bib.

    Fixed in bulkimport for 8.1.0.

    • Article last edited: 3/3/2015