BULKIMPORT:entire file of records error when only some should error
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
Bug Report for Issue 16384-9169
Module: bulkimport
Reported in: Voyager 7.1.0
Replicated in: 5-7.2.0
Last version without bug: unknown
Expected results: If there are unreadable Unicode characters in an import file, only the records with the unreadable characters should error to the err file. The records without unreadable characters should import.
Actual results: If there are unreadable Unicode characters in an import file, all the records error to the err.imp.yyyyddmm.hhmm file.
Other information:
The same import file is able to be imported via the Cataloging client with only the records with the unreadable characters not imported.
Replication steps:
1. Get a file of bibs with unreadable characters.
2. Import the file using Bulkimport. It will not import no matter which Expected Character Set Mapping you have selected in the Bulkimport Rule.
3. If you import the same file via the Cataloging client, you will see that most of the records are imported, with only those with unreadable characters erroring.
Fixed in bulkimport for 8.1.0.
- Article last edited: 3/3/2015