CAT: Records printed from Cataloging word wrap incorrectly when Windows display size is larger
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.2
Problem Symptoms:
* When printing a record in cataloging, some fields do not word wrap correctly, longer fields are cut off.
* In Windows Control Panel > Display, the display size is set to "Medium" or "Larger".
This behavior is the result of issue VYG-5627.
Issue VYG-5627 is resolved for Voyager 9.1.0 and higher.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. In Windows 7 go to Start > Control Panel > Display, and set Display size to medium or larger.
2. In Cataloging, go to Options > Preferences, and in the Colors/Fonts tab, set the font size to 12.
3. Locate a record in Cataloging with longer fields that are likely to require word wrapping in the printout.
4. Print the record.
5. On longer fields, note that the entire field does not display correctly.
Change the display size to smaller.
Category: Cataloging
- Article last edited: 11/12/2014