CIRC: Suppressed record highlighting not retained in Titles Index
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.0.1
Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-9793
Module(s): CIRC
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
PC OS (if applicable): n/a
Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
Release(s) replicated in: 7.0.1 – 7.2.0
Last version without bug (if applicable): n/a (feature added in v.7)
Expected results: Highlighting of suppressed bib records in Titles Index (search results) should still appear when returning to list after viewing a record.
Actual results: Highlighting of suppressed bib records disappears from Titles Index when operator returns to list and selects another record after viewing one item record from list.
Workflow implications: Operators have to repeat the search every time they view an item record from the Titles Index list in order to view the list with suppressed record highlighting intact.
Replication steps:
1. Go into CIRC. In Options>Session preferences, select a fill/background color for Suppressed records in Search Result Colors.
2. Click Item and search. Suppressed records will be highlighted in the Titles Index.
3. Select a record and view it. Go back to Titles Index by clicking Item>Search>Display Keyword Index.
4. Suppressed records will be highlighted until you select a record on the list. When you click on another record in the list, the highlighting disappears.
5. If you click Search button at the bottom of Titles Index box to repeat the search, the next set of search results shows up without highlighting suppressed bib records.
Workaround: Operators can repeat the search after viewing each record by selecting a new search from Item>Search>Headings/Keyword.
Fixed in Voyager 8.2.2.
- Article last edited: 3/23/2015