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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    CIRCJOB - Circjob 25 doesn't recognize transactions with "E-Kiosk" posting type

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.2.0

    Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-17025

    Module(s): Circjob
    Server platform(s) affected: Tested on Solaris
    PC OS (if applicable): N/A
    Browser & version (if applicable): N/A

    Release(s) replicated in: 7.2.0, 8.1.0
    Last version without bug (if applicable): N/A

    Expected results: Fines/fees collected from Self-Check machines should display alongside all other operators in the Global Circulation Statistics Report.

    Actual results: Fines/fees collected from a Self-Check machine will not display in the totals under the Global Circulation Statistics Report.

    Fines/Fees missing from the Global Circulation Statistics Report will have a payment type of 10, or “E-Kiosk”

    Workflow implications: Customers who use Self-Check will not be able to determine how much in fines/fees is collected by a self-check machine. The Global Circulation Statistics Report will not be accurate.

    Replication steps:
    1. Log into Circulation and be sure to remember the operator you’ve logged in as
    2. Choose any patron and add an “overdue” fine to his/her account
    3. In the same window showing all fines/fees, “Post” a payment (method, posting type and “post against” do not matter) to this account
    4. SSH to the server and ensure that no crcrprts.XXX.inp file exists (XXX=Print Location). If one does, run Reporter and fully process this file
    5. Run circjob –j25. You’ll be asked to provide a start and end date. Choose one day before today for the start date, and tomorrow as the end date.
    6. When completed, Go to “/m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt/” on the server and look at the “crcrprts.XXX.inp” file created. Next to the operator specified in step 1, you’ll see a positive dollar amount at the end of the line. E.g. 08|97.2|12/04/2011 - 12/06/2011|CIRC|demo|1|0|1|25.00 (for a $25 payment)
    7. Archive the file from step 6 and rename it something else: “mv crcrprts.XXX.inp crcrprts.XXX.inp.orig
    8. Using the Self-Check machine, post a payment against the patron in step 2
    9. Repeat steps 5 and 6. This time, when you look at the inp file, you won’t see any information about the self-check operator and the fee that was collected

    Fixed in Voyager 8.1.2

    • Article last edited: 3/23/2015