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    Call number order for Gov Docs incorrect in Browse Titles Index

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.0.1

    Problem Symptoms:
    In Cataloging or OPAC module, the Call number order for Government Docs is incorrect in Browse Titles Index. The date on the end of the Call # should be part of the sorting process.

    This behavior is the result of Issue 15055.

    Issue 15055 is fixed in Voyager 8.2.1

    Additional Information

    Replication steps
    1. Search (set to Browse) > Non-keyword > Call Number > Government Docs > Headings type filter set to Government Docs >
    2. Search for call number: y 4.ap 6/1;t 68/4
    3. Resulting titles will be out of order as described above.

    Category: Cataloging

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013