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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Cannot edit funds on PO and cancel

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.2.3

    Problem Symptoms:
    * Purchase orders (POs) are linked to funds on old ledgers & need to be canceled.
    * Attempting to edit line items to current funds and cancel but fund changes are not saving.

    This behavior is the result of Known Issue 16384-9505

    Issue 16384-9505 is not reproducible on Voyager 9.1.0.

    Additional Information

    Replication steps:
    1. Create a new PO in Acquisitions.
    2. Go to the detailed line item view.
    3. On the Price tab, fill in a price.
    4. On the Copy Status tab, click Add.
    5. Fill in Intended Location, copy number, and Ledger 1, fund A.
    6. Click the Extended Fund Allocation button.
    7. Click Edit Fund and change the percentage allocation to this fund to, say, 40%, and click Save.
    8. Click Add Fund, and select Ledger 1, Fund B, and set the percentage to 60% and click Save.
    9. Click the Save Copy button.
    10. Click Close.
    11. Approve the Purchase Order.
    12. Go to Line Item>Edit Approved.
    13. Highlight the line item and the Extended Fund Allocation information displays.
    14. Select the line for Fund A and hit Remove Fund and click Yes.
    15. Click Add Fund, and select Ledger 2, Fund C.
    16. Click Save, then click Save again to close the Extended Fund Allocation information.
    17. Go back to the detailed line item view and go to Copies/Funds.
    18. Open up the hierarchy to display the funds linked to this ledger ? you?ll see that it still says Ledger 1, fund A and Ledger 1 Fund B, instead of Ledger 2, Fund C and Ledger 1, Fund B.

    Workaround: Instead of using Add Fund/Remove Fund, choose Edit Fund to edit fund information on an approved line item.

    Category: Acquisitions

    • Article last edited: 10/15/2014
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