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    Cat-in-the-Acq / Acq-in-the-Cat : client window doesn't always come to fore

    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.1


    When opening a line item in Acquisitions from Cataloging, Acquisitions sometimes comes to foreground and displays line item, and sometimes remains in background with program flashing in task bar.

    Defect Status

    Issue 16384-19537 / VYG-4574 is currently in Development.

    Replication Steps

    1. On XP, open Acquisitions and Cataloging.
    2. Arrange windows so that Acquisitions window is immediately behind Cataloging window.
    3. In Cataloging, retrieve a bib that is linked to a PO.
    4. In the Cataloging menu with the bib open, choose Record > View Line Items in Acquisitions
    5. Acquisitions will open the line item, but the window will remain behind the Cataloging window and the button for the program will flash in the taskbar.
    6. Now arrange the windows so that another program window is between Acquisitions and Cataloging, with Acquisitions at the back of all three windows, and Cataloging at the front.
    7. Choose Record > View Line Items in Acquisitions; Acquisitions will move to the foreground and display the line item.

    • Article last edited: 05-Mar-2015