Counter doesn't show "In Transit/On Hold" Items on patron record
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9.1.0
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
* Patron account should show a pending hold request for an in transit item but does not show hold until item is no longer in transit.
Defect Status
Issue VYG-6540 is not reproducible in Voyager 9.2.0.
Replication Steps
1. At circ desk in Policy Group A, item charged to Patron 1
2. At circ desk in Policy Group B, patron 2 places title-level hold.
3. Item is discharged from Patron 1 in Policy Group A; item now has a status of "In Transit On Hold" to Patron 2, and holds on other items have been cancelled.
4. View Patron 2's account. Under Request Information box, numbers below should show 0/1 to indicate the hold but counters actually say 0/0.
5. Item reaches new circ group and is no longer in transit but is on hold for Patron 2. Counter then increments to 0/1.
Staff need to check the holds button to be sure that the item is placed on hold as the counter will not reflect items in transit.
Category: Circulation