Example Voyager Circ.INI file showing modifications for receipt printing of the DISCHARGE SLIP
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Example of modifications to the Voyager Circ.INI file for receipt printer printing of the DISCHARGE SLIP.
Each receipt printer will be different, but there are some modifications you can make to the Circ.INI to help you print to your receipt printer. The following is an example which may or may not work for your receipt printer.
If you modify the Circ.INI file, make sure you copy it to a different location before reinstalling the client or before a Voyager client upgrade as it will be overwritten by the installation process. See: Which files should I preserve when installing new clients?
The example slip below is the [DISCHARGE SLIP].
In BOLD and Underline for the stanza following, we have highlighted the variables that needed to be modified to make the slip print properly on a specific receipt printer.
Your receipt printer may be different.
- All font sizes need to be reduced. For this test receipt printer, font size was reduced to size 8.
- Note that the Barcode Font size may need to be reduced. Test out different sizes- you want this to be as large as possible for your barcode reader. Our test printer is set at 10.
- TextLeftMargin needs to be reduced. Our test printer needed to be set at 1.
- PageMargins need to be reduced. Our test printer needed to be set at zero.
- Also, feel free to change from Times New Roman to a sans serif font, such as Tahoma, which can read clearer at small sizes.
Here’s the highlighted stanza from the .INI, showing the variables affected by the previous comments:
[DISCHARGE SLIP] Heading=ITEM DISCHARGED TitleLabel=Title: AuthorLabel=Author: CallNumberLabel=Call Number: EnumerationLabel=Enumeration: ChronologyLabel=Chronology: CopyNumberLabel=Copy: ItemBarcodeLabel=Item Barcode: PatronLabel=Patron: DueDateLabel=Due Date: DischargeDateLabel=Discharged: OverdueFineLabel=Overdue Fine: HeadingFontName=Times New Roman HeadingFontSize=12 HeadingFontBold=True HeadingFontItalic=False HeadingFontUnderline=False HeadingJustified=C LabelFontName=Times New Roman LabelFontSize=12 LabelFontBold=True LabelFontItalic=False LabelFontUnderline=False TextFontName=Times New Roman TextFontSize=12 TextFontBold=False TextFontItalic=False TextFontUnderline=False TextLeftMargin=3 PageMargins=1 BlankLinesBetweenSections=2 PrintPatronName=Y BarcodeFontName=Barcode 3 of 9 BarcodeFontSize=12 StartStopChar=* PrintStartStopChar=Y
Think about which slips you will print on your receipt printer. The same modifications you see above should be made in each of those stanzas in the Circ.INI file.
- Article last edited: 03-Sept-2020