Exception on Lost Item Processing fee not included in Exception Report output
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 9.2.1, 10.1.0
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
- Lost Item Return: remove processing fee checked in System Administration > Circulation > Policy Definitions > Policies
- Lost Item Processing fee not removed when lost item returned
- Exception logged in CIRC_TRANS_EXCEPTION but not included in Exceptions Report (circjob 24)
Defect Status
Issue VYG-7314 is resolved for Voyager 10.2.0 and higher.
Replication Steps
- Identify a lost item that belongs to a policy where "Lost Item Return: remove processing fee" is checked in System Administration > Circulation > Policy Definitions > Policies.
- Log into Circulation at the policy's circ desk as an operator that belongs to a security profile where "Lost item return: refund processing fee" is NOT checked.
- Discharge the item. Follow the prompts; note that the Lost Item Fines and Fees box does not offer "Remove Lost Item Processing Fee" as an option. This is working as designed as operator does not have permission to remove the fee.
- Examine CIRC_TRANS_EXCEPTION table and note that TRANS_EXCEPT_TYPE 11 (Lost Item Discharged) and 57 (Lost Item Return - Processing Fee Not Removed) are logged for the transaction. This is working as designed.
- Run Circjob 24. Examine the output (either in the .inp file or by processing in Reporter). Note that exception type 11 is included in the output, but exception type 57 is not.
Additional Information
Also applies to
- Overdue Fine (exception type 56)
- Lost Item Replacement Fee (exception type 58)
- Patron counter decrement (exception type 59)
The following exceptions were added to the creation of the exception report, and also in the documentation, for circjob 24, in Voyager 10.2: Overdue fine not removed (56); Processing fee not removed (57); Replacement fee not removed (58); Patron counter not decremented (58); Lost statues not removed (61).
- Article last edited: 07-Nov-2017