Format for direct link to a record?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.0
I want to link directly to some of my records in WebVoyage from another interface. How should the URL be formatted?
The URL will use the bibliographic record ID to link into WebVoyage, similar to how WebVoyage builds persistent links internally:
where {hostname}
is the OPAC Base URL of your WebVoyage interface, and {bib_id}
is the bibliographic record ID that you're linking to from your other interface.
An example of "URL Syntax" that you might provide for Tomcat WebVoyage to the vendor of another interface such as EBSCO might look something like this:
Instead of hostname you can also use IP address. Typically the port should not be required.
Additional Information
For Classic WebVoyage, the format will be http://{hostname}/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID={bib_id}
- Article last edited: 13-Jan-2021