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    GDC: Some strings with Boolean operators not matched

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.2.2

    Problem Symptoms:
    * Replace String With String consequence isn't matching Replace String to exact match in record
    * Replace String contains Boolean operator.
    * Boolean operator is not first word in string.

    This behavior is the result of Issue VYG-5822.

    Issue VYG-5822 is resolved for Voyager 9.1.0 and higher.

    Additional Information

    Replication steps:
    1. Create Data Change Rule Set:
    * Condition: MARC Field Exists - 856
    * Consequence: Replace String with String
    ** on 856 field
    ** Replace String ends with "AND"
    2. Add Data Change Rule Set to a Data Change Rule Set Group.
    3. Identify a record with the Replace String in the 856 field.
    4. Add record to a Record Set.
    5. Preview the change. Note that there is no change in the record.
    6. Edit the string in the record to use a non-Boolean term where AND is located.
    7. Edit the Data Change Rule to match to the new word.
    8. Preview the change. Note that the string is matched & the change executed.

    Additional information: Also tested with OR with same results. If the term is the first word in the string, the string is successfully matched & replaced.

    Workaround: Use 2 Replace String With String rules - one that replaces text up to Boolean operator, and one that begins with Boolean operator and replaces remaining text in the string.

    Category: Global Data Change (GDC) - Voyager

    Subject: Voyager

    • Article last edited: 10/17/2014
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