How do Voyager catjobs 9 and 10 work together?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
How do catjobs 9 and 10 work together?
Catjob 10 (HTTP Verify - All) must be run first -- it will check all new links in the database. When you re-run catjob 10, it does not re-check links it has checked previously.
Thus, catjob 9 (HTTP Verify - Date Range) is what you use to go back and re-check links that have already been checked. After running catjob 10, you can run catjob 9 by date range. See: What does the date range do in Voyager catjob 9?
In brief, run catjob 10 regularly to check new links, followed by catjob 9 to check links last validated in a specific date range. It checks all 856 links in the database to find whether or not they are valid.
Additional Information
Catjob 10 (HTTP Verify - All) will check all new links in the database to see if they are valid or not. It looks at the 856 in holdings/Reporter User's Guide for more information.
mfhds, bib and e-item records. It's looking at the ELINK_INDEX in the database. See the You will find in the Technical User's Guide the 856 Link Failure report SIF. This will explain the contents of the inp file that you see on the server.
The errors it finds are:
- Moved Temporarily
- Bad Request
- Request Time-Out
- Forbidden
- Not Found
- Moved Permanently
See also: Do the 856 link checking catjobs check 856 fields in BOTH bib and mfhd records?
These jobs will populate the Catrprts.xxxx.inp in /m1/voyager/xxxdb/rpt which can then be printed via the Reporter client. Note that the first time you run it, it will probably run for a very long time and create a very large report.
- Article last edited: 20-Feb-2020