What does the date range do in Voyager catjob 9?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
What does the date range do in Voyager catjob 9?
The date range as requested in Catjob 9 refers to the last time that specific job was run for those links.
This is designed for libraries where they may have a large amount of http links to verify so they don't need to re-verify those links which were just checked a week or two ago.
It gives the customer the opportunity to select a smaller range (most likely in the past) instead of constantly checking all the links.
As an example, if you had 5,000 links in the database, you'd probably only want to check the oldest 500 or so.
It depends upon the number of links, and what type of accuracy your site needs regarding valid links.
Additional Information
See also: How do Voyager catjobs 9 and 10 work together?
- Article last edited: 20-Feb-2020