How does Quality Hierarchy work with Bi-Directional Merge?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
How does Quality Hierarchy work with Bi-Directional Merge?
Bi-Directional Merge occurs if the INCOMING record is of LOWER quality than the existing record. The system checks for quality based on the Quality Hierarchy as set in the Bibliographic Duplicate Detection Profile.
For Bi-Directional Merge to happen:
-set the EXISTING records of HIGHER quality in the Quality Hierarchy
-set the INCOMING records of LOWER quality in the Quality Hierarchy
For example, to Bi-Directional Merge records from library with NUC code (040A) TER if existing records in database have NUC (040A)=GWQ.
In the Quality Hierarchy:
set the first line in the hierarchy to 040A=GWQ
set the 2nd line in the hierarchy to 040A=TER
This is telling Bulkimport that records with 040A=GWQ are of higher quality than incoming records with 040A=TER. Therefore, incoming records with TER will be considered lower quality and Merge Fields from incoming record will be placed into the existing record.
- Article last edited: 3/3/2015