How to append additional copy of book to from detalied line item of invoice?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
Desired Outcome Goal:
Append additional copy of ordered book from the detailed line item of an invoice.
1. Acquisitions > Invoice
2. Retrieve invoice.
3. Open the Line Item dialog box for the item
4. Click the Copies/Funds tab
5. Click the row containing the copy and fund, then click the Edit button.
6. Click the Extended Fund Allocation Button
7. Add additional copy
8. Click Save.
Additional Information
Voyager 8 Acquisitions Manual - page Procedure 6-12. page 6-54 walks through the process of Adding & Editing Copies & funds: the Extended Fund Allocation Button allows you to add copies:
Category: Acquisitions
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013