How to alter bibliographic or holdings information displayed in record display
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.0.1
How to change the fields in record display in a record views (bibliographic and holdings) in Tomcat WebVoyage?
Always back up your file before making changes.
- Log on to server as voyager user.
cd /m1/voyager/xxxdb/tomcat/vwebv/context/vwebv/ui/<skin>/xsl/contentLayout/configs
- Select the file to edit based on type of record fields are in:
-- bibliographic record fieldsdisplayHoldings.xml
-- mfhd/holdings record fields
- Make backup copy of file.
- Edit file with desired changes (see Additional Information for examples).
- Save changes and test.
Additional Information
Example 1: add 346 field to display, edit displaycfg.xml
Add section for new field:
<!--added on {date} for RDA records--> <displayTags label="Video Characteristics:"> <displayTag field="346" indicator1="X" indicator2="X" subfield="ab"/> </displayTags>
which will display 346 with any indicator values, subfields a and b.
Save changes.
Example 2: Remove Notes from Holdings display; edit displayHoldings.xml
Find relevant section in file:
<holdingsTags label="Notes:"> <displayTag field="852" indicator1="X" indicator2="X" subfield="z" /> </holdingsTags>
Comment out the section to suppress display:
<!-- commented out {date} by ExL <holdingsTags label="Notes:"> <displayTag field="852" indicator1="X" indicator2="X" subfield="z" /> </holdingsTags> -->
Save changes.
See also:
Acceptable codes for MARC indictor fields in Voyager displaycfg and displayHoldings XML files
For information on the Display Codes see the WebVoyáge Architecture Overview and Configuration Models, Chapter 7, Tables 7-1 and 7-2.
- Article last edited: 24-Sep-2019