Is it possible to change maximum connections for z39.50 server? How?
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local
It appears we are hitting the maximum connections (50) for the z39.50 server regularly. Is this a limit that is able to be changed? If so, how do we alter this?
Answer (where xxxdb is the Voyager Database Instance)
- SSH to server as voyager user
cd /m1/voyager/xxxdb/ini/
- Open z3950svr.ini for editing
- Find this setting:
# What is the maximum number of simultaneous client connections you'll accept?
- Update the value for MaxSessions=
- Save changes
- Restart z3950svr process (or wait until after the nightly restart of Voyager)
Always monitor the effects on your services when making such a change.
Additional Information
This setting works in tandem with the idle timeout period for Z39.50 connections. See: How do I set the timeout period of the Z39.50 server?
- Article last edited: 20-Nov-2019