My Account displays Select All multiple times.
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.4; 9.1.0
- Patron has items checked out from multiple databases (i.e., Universal Borrowing (UB), items checked out from home database as well as UB partner databases)
- "Select All" checkbox appears once for EACH database.
Defect Status
Issue VYG-4601 is resolved for Voyager 9.1.0 and higher.
Replication steps
- In the home db's Circulation client, find a patron in one database that is UB eligible for other databases.
- Charge an item to this patron in the home db.
- Log into Circ at a remote db and charge an item to this patron.
- In the home db's WebVoyage, log into My Account as the patron.
- Note that the Select All check box appears twice at the top and bottom of the Charged Items list.
- Now log into a 3rd database's Circulation and charge another item to the patron.
- Back in the home db's WebVoyage, navigate to the My Account page again.
- Note that the Select All check box now appears 3 times along the top and bottom of the Charged Items list.
- The Select All check box appears once for each database that the patron has items charged from.
- Article last edited: 03-Apr-2019