PRIMO: RTA sometimes returns "staff" location name instead of OPAC display name
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.1
* RTA service sometimes returns the Location name.
Defect Status
Issue VYG-4585 / 16384-20066 is resolved for Voyager 9.2.0 and higher.
Replication Steps
1. SysAdmin > System > Locations > Edit: make sure that a location has an OPAC display name that differs from the Location Name.
2. Find a record with the location from step 1.
3. View the VoyagerAvailabilityService for the record: http://12.345.6.789:7014/vxws/VoyagerAvailabilityService?op=publish_avail&doc_num={BIB_ID}
4. The Location Name is in the 949 c tag.
5. Sometimes this name is the OPAC display name and sometimes it is the Location name. Which one displays can vary.
Make the Location name and OPAC display name identical.
Category: Interoperability