Receive "xxxx is a reserved search code. Please enter a different code" error when creating Holdings Keyword Index in Voyager SYSADMIN
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
While trying to create a new Holdings Keyword Index in Voyager System Administration, I received the following error:
852B is a reserved search code. Please enter a different code
What should I do?
It may not be documented in the User's Guides, but some search codes are not allowed to be used in Voyager. The 852B is an example of such a search code. Use a different 4 character code when you type in the "Code" in the Index tab when you create a New Search Index.
Additional Information
See: How to add or edit keyword search index definitions
- Article last edited: 17-Oct-2019