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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Search hot link will not handle searches with plus signs

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.2.0

    Date: January 5, 2010
    Module(s): WebVoyage
    Server platform(s) affected: Tested on Solaris
    PC OS (if applicable): N/A
    Browser & version (if applicable): All Supported Browsers

    Release(s) replicated in: 7.x.x

    Expected results:
    Redirect searches will normalize all special characters when passing a URL to the browser, thus allowing the use of characters like +

    Actual results:
    Redirect searches do not normalize special characters.

    Workflow implications: Redirect searches do not work in all cases, and will yield unexpected results when special characters are included.

    Replication steps:
    1. Create a new record with a MARC 600 field containing a subfield a with “C++” (no quotes)
    2. Load the OPAC and run a GKEY search for C++
    3. The record created in step 1 should appear in the search results, click on it and view it in the record display page.
    4. On the record display page, click on the subject redirect for C++
    5. An SUBJ search will be run, but the OPAC will show “C” as the search term. If you inspect the URL generated at this point, the searchArg variable equals “C++” when it should be “C%2B%2B”


    • Article last edited: 3/5/2015