Short loans, regular matrix loans are not properly truncated to closing time after 12am
When the "Count Closed Days/Hours/Minutes for Loans" box is checked and the "Apply Fixed Due Time to Overnight Loans" is unchecked, short loans defined in the Short Loan Matrix checked out after midnight with a loan period extending beyond the open time for the library are due at the opening of the next day in the library rather than being truncated to match the end of the library's open day.
Defect Status
Issue VYG-6944 is currently in development.
Replication Steps
- Make sure Count Closed Days/Hours/Minutes for Loans" is checked for the relevant circ policy and the "Apply Fixed Due Time to Overnight Loans" is unchecked.
- Create a circulation calendar with a close time past midnight.
- Create an entry in the short loan matrix or the general matrix for time period that will calculate the due time of the item past the closing time if the library if charged after midnight.
- Change server time to reflect a 1-am ish time zone.
- Charge the item to a patron in the group defined in the matrix.
- Note that the due time of the item is defined as the opening hour of the library the day after the charge (or rather, the same day but NOT at the close of the library but at the opening.)
Article last edited: 06-Sep-2017