Shelfcheck:recall items count is always 0
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.1
Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-15985
Module(s): Self Check
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris
Release(s) replicated in: 8.0
Last version without bug (if applicable): N/A
Expected results:
Message 64 should send the “Recall Items Count” of recalled items the patron has available on the hold shelf.
Actual results:
The “Recall Items Count” is not sent as part of message 64, though the “Hold Items Count” is.
Workflow implications: A patron may have items available to pick up, but it is not reflected in the 64 message sent by Voyager.
Replication steps:
1. Create a recall request for a patron and discharge the item so that it is on the hold shelf.
2. Below is an example of a patron that has an item that fills a hold request on the hold shelf and an item that fills a recall request on the hold shelf. Only the “Hold Items Count” is populated.
Selfchk Port: 7031
Selfchk User: self
Selfchk Password: check
Selfchk Location: SELF
SENDING: 9300|CNself|COcheck|CPSELF
SENDING: 9900802.00
END Login
BEGIN Stanza Loop
SENDING: 6300120110816 090215 AO|AAMUCHA|AC|AD|BP|BQ|
RECEIVING: 64 00020110818 090615000100000002001200000000AO|AAMUCHA|AEMaggie Mucha|CA0001|CB0001|BLY|BHUSD|BV0.00|CQY|BU66736|AFPatron validated successfully.|PTFAC|
END Stanza Loop
Fixed in the selfchk server and circ server for 8.1.1.
- Article last edited: 3/5/2015