Trying to delete patron record and receive "Unable to delete patron" error
- Product: Voyager
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Unable to delete patron record. Checked to make sure have correct permissions.
Receive "Unable to delete patron. Patron has existing stub patrons" or "Unable to delete patron" error.
There are various reasons why patron records can't be deleted. These reasons include that the patron has fines/fees, existing charges, or pending requests. These must be cleared before the record can be deleted. See: Overview of the Voyager patron record purge for a complete list of these reasons.
Additional Information
The following Prepackaged Reports Access query may help you to determine why a patron record can't be deleted. It will prompt you for a barcode and display which reasons the patron can't be deleted apply to the patron record.
Note that patron records can have duplicate barcodes. For that reason, the Patron ID number from the title bar in the circulation client is included in the query results (in parentheses).
SELECT 'Last_name:' & patron.last_name & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' AS reason FROM patron_barcode INNER JOIN patron ON patron_barcode.PATRON_ID = patron.PATRON_ID WHERE (((patron_barcode.[patron_barcode])=[Patron barcode:]) AND ((patron_barcode.patron_id)=[patron].[patron_id])) UNION ALL select distinct 'At your library, one or more items charged out.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, circ_transactions where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = circ_transactions.patron_id UNION ALL select distinct 'At your library, one or more pending holds.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, hold_recall where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = hold_recall.patron_id and request_item_count <> '-1' UNION ALL select distinct 'At your library, unpaid fines or fees.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, fine_fee where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = fine_fee.patron_id and fine_fee_balance <>'0' UNION ALL select distinct 'At your library, one or more circ transaction exceptions.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, circ_trans_exception where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = circ_trans_exception.patron_id UNION ALL select distinct 'At your library, one or more pending requests.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, call_slip where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = call_slip.patron_id; UNION ALL select distinct 'At your library, items en route from another lib.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, ub_routing where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = ub_routing.patron_id_ub and db_id_from <> '0' and db_id_to = '0' UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT 'At your library, patron has proxies. ' & '(' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' AS Reason FROM PATRON_BARCODE INNER JOIN PROXY_PATRON ON PATRON_BARCODE.PATRON_BARCODE_ID = PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE_ID WHERE (((PATRON_BARCODE.PATRON_BARCODE)=[Patron barcode:])) UNION ALL SELECT 'At your library, patron is a proxy for ' & patron_barcode.patron_barcode & '. (' & patron_barcode_1.patron_id & ')' AS Reason FROM (PROXY_PATRON INNER JOIN PATRON_BARCODE ON PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE_ID = PATRON_BARCODE.PATRON_BARCODE_ID) INNER JOIN PATRON_BARCODE AS PATRON_BARCODE_1 ON PROXY_PATRON.PATRON_BARCODE_ID_PROXY = PATRON_BARCODE_1.PATRON_BARCODE_ID WHERE (((PATRON_BARCODE_1.PATRON_BARCODE)=[Patron barcode:])) UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT 'At another library (' & mid([voyager_databases].[db_code],2,3) & '), there is a stub patron record.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' AS reason FROM patron_barcode, ub_patron_record, voyager_databases WHERE (([patron_barcode].[PATRON_BARCODE]=[Patron barcode:]) AND ([patron_barcode].[PATRON_ID]=[ub_patron_record].[patron_id]) AND ([ub_patron_record].[db_id] = [voyager_databases].[db_id])) UNION ALL select distinct 'At another library, fines owed.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, ub_fine_fee where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = ub_fine_fee.patron_id and fine_fee_total <> '0' UNION ALL select distinct 'At another library, requests pending.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, ub_request where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = ub_request.patron_id UNION ALL select distinct 'At another library, items charged.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, ub_charge where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = ub_charge.patron_id UNION ALL select distinct 'At another library, items on hold.' & ' (' & patron_barcode.patron_id & ')' as reason from patron_barcode, ub_hold where patron_barcode=[Patron barcode:] and patron_barcode.patron_id = ub_hold.patron_id;
Constructing custom SQL queries by request and troubleshooting unexpected results from customer-created SQL queries falls outside the scope of Support. The above has been posted for informational purposes. Voyager-L and Developer Network are useful resources for finding helpful custom SQL or obtaining assistance from peers in troubleshooting custom queries.
- Article last edited: 04-Dec-2020