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    Voyager Cataloging: Tips and Tricks

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    Voyager Cataloging tips and tricks.


    • The edit menu provides many editing options.  What keyboard shortcuts are available in Cataloging? Almost all can be selected through the use of a function key. For example, F2 displays the list of valid MARC values. F3 will add a line before the selected line; F4 will add one after. With your cursor directly after the 852-subfield b in the holding record, Ctrl-L will give you a list of valid library locations.
    • The Book Icon in the upper left hand corner next to the “File” menu in the MARC View form will be gray when a Bib or Holdings record is marked for suppression with the “Suppress in OPAC” option.
    • To pull a call number from a bibliographic record into an existing MFHD, from the holdings record click on Record→Get call number from bib record. (Must have set up Call Number Hierarchies in Preferences.) Or use Ctrl+N.
    • The message bar at the bottom of the cataloging module will display the name of the variable field in a cataloging record if you click in the field with your mouse.
    • To validate a heading in a bibliographic record without saving the record to the database, right-click on the gray box to the left of the field you wish to validate and select “Validate Heading in this field”. Voyager will check the database to validate the heading.
    • Highlighting one or more fields allows you to use the Edit menu copy and paste functions. The fields can be copied within the same bib record or to another bib record
    • In the 008 field of a Bibliographic record, place of publication must be selected from the drop down menu. Type the first letter of the place of publication to move to that section of the list.
    • Acquisitions order information can be obtained from the bibliographic or holdings record. To access acquisitions order data, the Acquisitions client must be open. From the bib or holdings record, choose Record→View line items in Acquisitions in the drop-down menu (or Ctrl+M) and the relevant Acquisitions data will open in the Acquisitions client.
    • With a Web Browser open & a URL displayed, use CTRL + U to capture that link. Voyager will set the first indicator to 4, insert the URL into the ‡u and the title of the page into the ‡z. Catalogers can then format it according to the MARC specifications for an 856 tag, and save the edited record to the database. This works in both bibliographic and holdings records.
    • From either a bib or holding record, check to see if URLs are functional by going to Record, then clicking on Verify 856 links (or use Ctrl+K). A box will appear with the URL underlined. Click on the URL. If it is functional, you will be connected to the resource in your web browser. This function may not work with all web browser software.
    • When saving, Voyager will alert you if the record has been edited by another user since you have opened it, or if it has been recently edited. This prevents two staff members from accidentally overwriting one another’s work.


    • Article last edited: 17-Jul-2020