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    Voyager Headings Change Queue tables

    • Product: Voyager
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    What are the Headings Change Queue tables.


    There are three tables related to changed headings:

    1. The HEADING_CHANGE_QUEUE table identifies authority records whose 1XX fields have changed.  This table is the entry point to use when searching for information about changed headings.  For each authority record whose heading has changed, there is one entry in this table for each of the authority record’s entries in the HEADING table. This table is populated automatically when applicable changes are made to authority records.

    In other words, this table has a row for each entry in the change queue.1

    1. The HEADING_CHANGE_FIELDS table has a row for each BIB record to be changed. This table is populated by running Catjob 12
    2. The HEADING_CHANGE table links HEADING_CHANGE_FIELDS and HEADING_CHANGE_QUEUE. This table is populated by running Catjob 11.


    1In some situations the data in the tables will not correctly reflect the what appears in the Cataloging Client's Global Headings Change Queue.  These "orphan Rows" in one or more of the tables will not appear in the change queue. Contact Support to have "orphan rows" removed from the tables.

    Additional Information



    • CHANGE_DATE (date). The date on which the 1XX field in the authority record changed.
    • HEADING_ID_NEW (number). The HEADING_ID from the HEADING table for the entry for the current version of the authority record’s 1XX field.
    • HEADING_ID_OLD (number). The HEADING_ID from the HEADING table for the entry for the previous version of the authority record’s 1XX field.
    • HEADING_QUEUE_ID (number). A sequential number assigned by Voyager to every entry in the queue. Used to link to the other heading change tables.
    • INDEX_TYPE (1 character). The INDEX_TYPE code from the HEADING table.
    • PROCESS_FLAG (1 character). This is obsolete and no longer used. Use instead HEADING_CHANGE.PROCESS_FLAG (where value changes from N to Y when a heading is marked for processing in the queue).
    • REC_ID (number). AUTH_ID
    • REC_TYPE (1 character). A code (‘H’ or ‘S’) that indicates whether the authority record represents a heading (beginning with subfield |a) or a subdivision

    • Article last edited: 02-Sept-2021
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