Voyager bibliographic record linking feature "Prev" and "Next" buttons in full record display do not move to the correct record
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 10.1.0 and earlier
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare
Paging records in a bibliographic record linking set (related records) using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons in the WebVoyage full record display does not work.
Defect Status
VYG-7529 is resolved in Voyager 10.2.0 and later.
Replication Steps
- Create a set of linked records in Voyager that have 1 source record and many linked/related records
- Search for and source record in WebVoyage.
- Click on the link in the Source record to display the linked records
- In Sort By drop-down box, select Title. Page refreshes but records remain in original sort order.
- Click any individual record in the list. Click "Next" or "Prev" to navigate through list; note that pagination changes but navigation remains on the first record in set.
Searching in WebVoyage for desired record outside of set, or manually paging through set.
Additional Information
In Voyager 10.2 the ability to page (or navigate) through related records using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons has been fixed.
- Article last edited: 26-Nov-2019