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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    We applied the latest version of McAfee (8.0) on both the mail server and the PC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 6.5.3

    We applied the latest version of McAfee (8.0) on both the mail server and the PC and now when the staff try to
    send out ILL notices to patrons, an Access error 9 comes up, and no mail is sent. What has changed?

    At the server level, the antivirus software, designed to prevent mass mailing via worm, has blocked Access from sending
    out the e-mail. To resolve the problem, ILL departments should contact their IT security person, or whomever is in charge
    of the mail server used to send e-mail, and have them register msaccess.exe with the antivirus software. This lets the
    antivirus know" that msaccess.exe is a legitimate program that should be allowed to send e-mail. You can have the
    registration done on a machine by machine basis, rather than for the library or campus as a whole.This specifically regards
    McAfee Antivirus 8, but may also have similar implications for other server-side antivirus installations."

    • Article last edited: 3/16/2015