WebVoyage Pick up locations not using OPAC Display Name
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.1
Problem Symptoms:
* WebVoyage request forms are showing location Name (LOCATION.LOCATION_NAME) rather than OPAC Display Name (LOCATION.LOCATION_DISPLAY_NAME)
This behavior is the result of Issue VYG-4609 / 16384-20161.
Issue VYG-4609 is resolved for Voyager 9.1.0 and higher.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. In System Administration > System > Locations, give one or more Pick up locations (as defined in Circulation Policy Definitions) different Name (LOCATION.LOCATION_NAME) and OPAC Display Name fields (LOCATION.LOCATION_DISPLAY_NAME).
2. Log in to an account in WebVoyage that has permission to make requests.
3. Search for a requestable item.
4. Click ?Make a Request? and choose Hold (or an eligible request type).
5. Note that in the Pick up Location drop-down box, the Name (LOCATION.LOCATION_NAME) is displayed for each Pick up location rather than the OPAC Display Name (LOCATION.LOCATION_DISPLAY_NAME)
Workaround: Make Name and OPAC Display Name the same.
Category: Opac - Voyager
Subject: Voyager
- Article last edited: 10/17/2014