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    WebVoyage item status display and substitution tokens in Voyager

    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    How to control the display of item statuses in WebVoyage?


    Item statuses are controlled in the "Holdings item status" section of  For each status code (e.g., 1=Not Charged, 2=Charged, and so on) you can add display text and substitution tokens. 

    Substitution tokens are used to include variable information such as standard item information (enumeration, chronology, etc.), date, time, number of requests, and so on.  

    For example:

    # Holdings item status. Note that the status code is exactly the same as the
    #  request status
    holdings.item.status.1=Not Charged
    holdings.item.status.2=\\i Charged - Due on \\d \\u
    holdings.item.status.3=\\i Renewed - Due on \\d \\u
    holdings.item.status.4=\\i Overdue - Due on \\d \\u
    holdings.item.status.5=\\i Requests: \\c
    holdings.item.status.6=\\i Requests: \\c
    holdings.item.status.7=\\i On hold at \\l
    holdings.item.status.8=\\i In transit \\d
    holdings.item.status.9=\\i In transit to \\l \\d
    holdings.item.status.10=\\i In transit to \\l \\d
    holdings.item.status.11=\\i Discharged - \\d \\u
    holdings.item.status.12=\\i Missing - \\d
    holdings.item.status.13=\\i Lost - \\d
    holdings.item.status.14=\\i Lost - \\d
    holdings.item.status.18=\\i At Bindery - \\d
    holdings.item.status.21=\\i Scheduled
    holdings.item.status.22=\\i In Process \\d
    holdings.item.status.23=\\i Requested
    holdings.item.status.24=\\i Requested
    holdings.item.status.25=\\i Requested


    In the above example


    is the Standard Item Information Substitution Token.

    \\i The substitution token does not work with Item Status =1

    Additional Information

    For more about Substitution Tokens see Table 35-1 in the Webvoyage Architecture Overview and Configuration Models guide.

    See also: Standard Item Information Substitution Token does not work with holdings.item.status.1



    • Article last edited: 18-Nov-2021
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