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    What is the difference between ranked and unranked holds?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 7.0.1


    What is the difference between ranked and unranked holds?


    Ranked holds are created when there is an item record that meets the Circulation Policy Matrix criteria for placing holds.
    Unranked holds are created when the attached item record(s) do not meet the Circulation Policy Matrix criteria for placing holds, the hold will not get ranked.

    Additional Information

    For example, Hold is checked in the Matrix for patron group Faculty and item type Book.A hold is placed by Faculty for a Book. In this
    case, the hold would be ranked. Both title and copy level holds can be ranked.The advantage to ranked title level holds is that a
    holding may have several chargeable items attached to it (i.e. multiple copies of the title) and the title level hold allows for the first
    available copy to go to the patron. For example, if you placed a copy level hold on copy 2 and copy 1 becomes available sooner, you
    still have to wait for copy 2. If you placed a title level hold that is ranked on the title with 2 copies, you will get the first available copy.
    When a hold is ranked it will display in the Patron Request Information section of the Patron record as well as in the Patron Information
    page in WebVoyage. Ranked hold information also resides in the item's Request Maintenance information.

    If Hold is not checked in the Matrix for patron group Faculty and item type Book, and a hold is placed by using that matrix, the hold will not be ranked.
    Only title level holds can be unranked.Voyager allows unranked holds in case an item (copy) would ever be added to that is available
    for hold via the matrix definitions.When a hold is unranked it will display in the Patron Request Information section of the Patron record
    and in the Patron Information page in WebVoyage.Unranked holds will not however, increment the Hold/Recall Information counter in the
    Patron record, or display in the item's Request Maintenance information.

    For more information on copy and title level holds see the article: What is the difference between title level and copy level holds?

    Category: Circulation

    Subject: circ.exe

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013