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    What is the difference between traindb and test server?

    • Product: Voyager


    What is the difference between traindb and test server?


    Voyager's traindb is part of the out-of-the-box installation and contains a set of test data. It is designed for training staff and testing basic Voyager functionality. 

    A test server (sometimes referred to as "sandbox") is licensed separately from a production Voyager environment. It is typically a copy of the production Voyager installation, including a copy of the production data, and is used for more extensive testing and development work. For example, some institutions will upgrade a test server and test staff workflows on this environment before upgrading a production server. Or, institutions will test and refine new workflows on a copy of production data without impacting the production installation. Typically a site will periodically have the data on their test server "refreshed" so that it matches the current data on the production server.

    Additional Information

    See Voyager Test Server for more information on Voyager test servers.

    • Article last edited: 18-Oct-2020