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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Why does OPAC display bibs with suppressed mfhd when limit by mfhd location?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.0


    Library A has suppressed holdings attached to bib ID 1234. When I keyword search for term in bib ID 1234 and limit to Library A, bib ID 1234 is returned in results, even though mfhd for Library A is suppressed. Why does that bib display?


    The system will do the keyword search, looking at every bib record for the keyword(s), and every MFHD for the location. It assembles an initial internal result list from this. When the opacsvr is involved, an additional step is then taken to decide what should display from that result list.

    For that initial internal result list, the system has selected bibs and their associated MFHDs to display based on keywords and location, and suppressed status is not a factor at this point. When WebVoyage is requesting these results, it then says "don't display the one MFHD that is suppressed for this unsuppressed bib in your results list" leaving any unsuppressed MFHDs associated with the same bib to display.

    The suppressed MFHD that IS part of the location limit you used still falls into the mix because of how the search process is structured -- it just won't be displayed in WebVoyage.

    Category: Opac

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013