voy/primo extract:extract dies if more than 800 fields in one or more mfhd
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.1
Bug Report for Issue 16384-12865
Module(s): Voyager/Primo extract
Server platform affected: Solaris/all
Releases replicated in: 7.2.3-
Expected results: The Voyager/Primo extract should successfully extract all eligible records.
Actual results: If the extract runs into a record with a mfhd that has a large number of fields, the extract dies and fails to extract this or any subsequent records.
Workflow implications: Not easy to tell when extract is unsuccessful
Replication steps:
1. Create a bib that has an attached mfhd with upwards of 800 fields.
2. Create a second bib.
3. Run the Voyager/Primo extract using a Changed since date prior to the creation of the records.
4. The only error you’ll see in the export log is this, just after the summary:
14478 [main] INFO com.endinfosys.voyager.primo.PrimoExp - processing returned=-3
5. Check the extract file – you’ll see that not only is the first bib not included, but the second one isn’t either. If you look at the ChangedSince.txt file, you’ll see that the date hasn’t been updated; the deleted.bib.marc file will also not have been processed.
Workaround: Suppress the mfhds or create a second bib with a new mfhd, and split the data across the two records.
Fixed Primo extract in Voyager 8.1.1.
- Article last edited: 3/4/2015