iTunes Connect & Apple App Store Page Submissions
Apple App Store Overview
campusM supply the customer with a copy of the App Store document to complete for submission to Apple.
campusM run a series of pre-release tests before the app is submitted to Apple for consideration as part of Phase 4 of the implementation, the Deploy phase.
The app may be set for a timed release, so it will not be available before a certain date, even if it is approved in advance.
Once the app is submitted to Apple for approval, testing is carried out by specialist teams who inform campusM of any issues with the app, preventing publication. Once the issues have been resolved, the app may be published. This process takes approximately two weeks.
Once the app has been approved by Apple App Store, only minor updates are accepted, such as the description and the Privacy URL. If there are any other changes, the app must be recompiled, undergo pre-release testing and be re-submitted to App for approval which, again, can take up to two weeks.
This following table lists the various fields (and their respective constraints) that can be populated as part of submitting the campusM app to the Apple App Store. This data is then used to populate the app store listing and can be read by end users.
In addition, the table indicates when these fields can be modified – Apple has strict rules that constrain changes unless a newer version of the app is uploaded and reviewed prior to general release.
In order for Apple App Store to be able to review the app content, they must be able to access the app and see content. Ex Libris' recommendation is to ensure the campusM app has a guest profile enabled prior to submission which will minimize the chance of access issues or app rejection. Sites not willing to enable the guest profile (even temporarily during app submission) must provide a working test user and password with app submission which has working access to all profile content in order to avoid higher likelihood of app rejection.
- Do not refer to ‘Beta, Demo or Test Content’ in any field, or within the app as this can result in a rejection for the review team.
- Do not refer to Apple, Google, or any other competitors for the app stores in these fields or in your apps as this can result in a rejection for the review team.
campusM creates each institution's campusM application in the App Store and updates it as required for new releases. Other applications in the App Store that belong to the institution cannot be revamped for use as campusM applications.
Field |
Constraints |
Update Opportunity |
Additional Notes |
Application Name |
12 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Appears as the app name on the end users’ device. |
Application Long Name |
30 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
The app long name has to be unique. Two apps cannot have the same long name in the store. |
Subtitle |
30 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
A summary ‘Tagline’ for the app that will appear under the app’s name on the App Store for end users with devices running iOS 11 or later. |
Developer Name |
N/A |
When deploying the app for the first time – cannot be changed |
N/A |
Promotional Text |
170 Characters |
Any time |
Promotional text letting customers inform App Store visitors of any current app features without requiring an updated submission. This text will appear above the app description on the App Store for customers with devices running iOS 11 or later. |
Application Description |
4000 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
What’s New? |
4000 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Defaults to ‘Bug fixes and minor enhancements’ |
Keywords |
100 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
One or more keywords that describe the app. Keywords make App Store search results more accurate - separate keywords with a comma. |
Primary Category |
Drop down list |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Defaults to Education |
Secondary Category |
Drop down list |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Not used by default |
Privacy Policy |
Anytime |
Should refer to the customer's Privacy Policy
Store Icon |
Please refer the campusM Branding Guidelines |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Please submit with all other icons in a .zip on Salesforce/ through Project Manager. |
Support URL |
Anytime |
A URL with support information for end users regarding the app. This URL will be visible on the App Store. |
Support Email |
Anytime |
Email address end users should use to contact support about the app |
Version Number |
Completed by Ex Libris |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
This is completed by Ex Libris |
iPhone Screenshots |
Please refer Apple’s guidance on screenshots |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Created by Ex Libris by default Please submit alternative screenshots if required via a .zip file on Salesforce/ through Project Manager |
iPad Screenshots |
Please refer Apple’s guidance on screenshots |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Created by Ex Libris by default. Please submit alternative screenshots if required via a .zip file on Salesforce/ through Project Manager |
Age Rating |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
17+ as a default because the campusM App includes a web-page browser and linking out to web pages. |
Also, please note the following things that can only be changed within the app with a rebuild, and thus a resubmission:
Field |
Constraints |
Update Opportunity |
Additional Notes |
Application Name |
13 Characters |
Pre-Submission |
Appears as the app name on the end users’ device |
App Icons |
Please refer the campusM Branding Guidelines |
Pre-Submission |
Please submit with all other icons in a .zip on Salesforce/ through Project Manager. |
External App Linking |
Please refer to the App External Linking guidance. |
Pre-Submission |
The External App URLs are required on submission to ‘whitelist’ (enable) linking to other apps from campusM |
Build Configurations |
N/A |
Pre-Submission |
Turning features on or off, Optionally managed/coordinated with your campusM project manager / support contact directly |