Google Play App Store Page Submissions
Google Play Store for Android
The following table lists the various fields (and their respective constraints) that can be populated as part of submitting the campusM app to the Google Play Store. This data is then used to populate the app store listing and can be read by end users.
In addition, the table indicates when these fields can be modified – Google has rules that constrain changes unless a newer version of the app is uploaded and reviewed prior to general release.
In order for Google Play Store to be able to review the app content, they must be able to access the app and see content. Ex Libris' recommendation is to ensure the campusM app has a guest profile enabled prior to submission which will minimize the chance of access issues or app rejection. Sites not willing to enable the guest profile (even temporarily during app submission) must provide a working test user and password with app submission which has working access to all profile content in order to avoid higher likelihood of app rejection.
- Do not refer to ‘Beta, Demo or Test Content’ in any field, or within the app as this can result in a rejection for the review team.
- Do not refer to Apple, Google, or any other competitors for the app stores in these fields or in your apps as this can result in a rejection for the review team.
campusM creates each institution's campusM application in the Google Play Store and updates it as required for new releases. Other applications in the Play Store that belong to the institution cannot be revamped for use as campusM applications.
Field |
Constraints |
Update Opportunity |
Additional Notes |
Application Name |
12 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Appears as the app name on the end users’ device |
Application Long Name |
30 Characters |
Anytime |
Suggest customers keep this consistent with the iOS name |
App Short Description |
80 Characters |
Anytime |
A summary description for the app shown on the store |
App Full Description |
4000 Characters |
Anytime |
A more detailed description of the app and the functions that it can fulfil, to market it to end users |
What’s new? |
500 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Defaults to ‘Bug fixes and minor enhancements’ |
Primary Category/Application Type |
Drop-down list |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
This is set as Application and should not be changed |
Secondary Category |
Drop-down list |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
This is set as Education and should not be changed |
Privacy Policy |
Anytime |
Should refer to the customer's Privacy Policy
Store Icon |
Please refer the campusM Branding Guidelines |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Please submit with all other icons in a .zip on Salesforce/ through Project Manager |
Android Feature Graphic |
Please refer the campusM Branding Guidelines |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Please submit with all other icons in a .zip on Salesforce/ through Project Manager |
Support URL |
Anytime |
A URL with support information for end users regarding the app. This URL will be visible on the App Store. |
Support Email |
Anytime |
Email address end users should use to contact support about the app This address will be visible on the App Store. |
Android Screenshots |
JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). Min length for any side: 320px. Max length for any side: 3840px. At least 2 screenshots are required overall. Max 8 screenshots per type. |
Anytime |
Created by Ex Libris by default. Please submit alternative screenshots if required via a .zip file on Salesforce/ through Project Manager |
Age Rating |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
3+ as a default. |
Also, please note the following things that can only be changed within the app with a rebuild, and thus a resubmission:
Field |
Constraints |
Update Opportunity |
Additional Notes |
Application Name |
13 Characters |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Appears as the app name on the end users’ device |
App Icons |
Please refer the campusM Branding Guidelines |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Please submit with all other icons in a .zip on Salesforce/ through Project Manager |
External App Linking |
Please refer to the App External Linking guidance. |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
The External App URLs are required on submission to ‘whitelist’ (enable) linking to other apps from campusM |
Build Configurations |
Pre-Submission (Build Time) |
Turning features on or off, Optionally managed/coordinated with your campusM project manager / support contact directly |