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    ID Card

    campusM + cmLibrary Logo wh bkg sm1.png


    The ID Card product integration enables students to present their university ID cards from a mobile device. The barcode can be generated by the app (a range of barcode schemes are supported, including QR codes) or provided as an image by the vendor. 

    The CODE39 barcode scheme only supports numbers and uppercase letters; lowercase letters are not supported. (This is a limitation of the CODE39 scheme, not of the campusM system. Note that the CODE128 barcode scheme does support lowercase letters.) The campusM legacy systems circumvented this limitation, but React Native does not. On the React Native platform, if you are using CODE39, and a barcode contains a lowercase letter, the barcode is not displayed in the ID card.


    User Experience

    The following section describes information relating to the user experience for the ID Card product integration.

    User Activities

    Students can present their university ID card from a mobile device, which includes information, such as: picture, student ID, name, department, barcode, username, name, and email.

    User Workflow

    The user selects the ID Card tile to display the university ID card page.


    There is no need for additional user authentication besides the API authentication.

    Offline Support

    After receiving the ID card data, it is stored on the user’s device.


    The following is an example of the ID Card page:

    The ID card with the time enabled.
    ID Card when Time > Display is enabled

    Technical Overview

    The following section describes technical information for the ID Card product integration.


    The following prerequisites are required for the ID Card product integration.

    RESTful API Vendor

    • User ID
      • ID card data should be sent based on the userID from IDP so userID must be mapped in the customer’s system.
      • The CMAuth userID (which is returned by a response from either SAML, OAuth or LDAP as one of the IDP attributes) must be mapped in the CMAuth integration profile (‘Additional Mappings’). Otherwise, userID must be returned by a response as one of the LDAP attributes.
      • This attribute needs to be added as a path or query parameter.
      • The parameter can be named userID or any other name.
    • API info
      • Required Format – JSON
      • Request
      • Response examples:
        • The following is an example of a valid response if the barcode is provided by the API:


          "pageTitle": "Testing Header",
          "studentID": "345678901",
          "name": "Jane Doe",
          "picture": "https://...exampleImage.png",
          "department": "Computer Science",
          "status": "Full-Time Undergraduate",
          "valid_until": "31-Dec-2023",
          "barcode": "https://...exampleBarcode.png"


        • The following is an example of a valid response if the barcode is generated by the App


          "pageTitle": "Testing Header",
          "studentID": "345678901",
          "name": "Jane Doe",
          "picture": "https://...exampleImage.png",
          "department": "Computer Science",
          "status": "Full-Time Undergraduate",
          "valid_until": "31-Dec-2023"


        • The following is an example of a valid response with the image data as a Base64 encoded string representation of the image


          "pageTitle": "Example page",
          "studentID": "12345",
          "name": "John Smith",
          "picture": "",
          "department": "Computer Science",
          "status": "Active",
          "valid_until": "29-Aug-2023"


        • The page title can be any information the user would like to present at the top of the page (for example, static text, user name, user ID). 
        • If the response is empty, the user gets an error message: Unable to reach the service at this time. Please try again later.
        • If one of the requested fields returns empty, it is either not displayed or displayed empty (for example Dept:), depending on the configuration (see ID Cards > Display Empty Fields options).
        • The recommended size for a barcode image is 480 px * 60 px.
    Attributes Mapping
    External Field Name Internal App Field Name Description Mandatory Yes/No Data Type Default Example
    Picture picture Picture of the user No  String   https://...exampleImage.png
    ID Number studentID Student ID number (if you configure the app to generate the barcode, ID number is required, and this must be a valid input for the barcode scheme) Yes, if the app is generating the barcode string   12345678
    Page Title pageTitle Information to be presented at the head of the page No string   Student ID Card
    All of the Basic Fields are configurable for the RESTful API vendor. For example, if your API returns a field called idNumber, you can configure the ID Number field to use this code instead of the default studentID code. Make sure that the fields you defined in the App Manager are mapped in your API response.

    IdP Details Vendor

    The token based authentication attributes must be mapped in the Integration Profile (Username Mapping, Mail Mapping, First Name Mapping, Last Name Mapping, and Additional Mappings). For more information, see Configuring Integration Profiles.

    The IdP Details vendor automatically tries to take the username, email, and name attributes from the authentication token. Therefore, the token based authentication attributes must be mapped in the integration profile (Username Mapping, Mail Mapping, First Name Mapping, Last Name Mapping, and Additional Mappings). For more information, see Configuring Integration Profiles.

    Additional attributes from the Additional Mappings section of the integration profile can be mapped in the Custom Fields section of the ID Card product integration.

    ID Number can be configured to return the username attribute or any of the mapped attributes. Note that this field is used to generate the barcode.

    Alma ILS Vendor

    The IDP returns the Alma ID attribute. The Alma ID attribute is a unique ID controlled by the customer that is defined per student and staff member in Alma. If you are using CMAuth, this attribute can have any name in the IDP attributes response (from SAML/OAuth/LDAP) but needs to be mapped in the Additional Mappings section of the CMAuth integration profile. If you are not using CMAuth, the Alma ID attribute must be returned in the LDAP attributes response. The attribute is configured in the User Input Identifier field in the Alma Configuration section of the App Manager configuration.

    The new mapping of the authentication token requires users to log out and log in to the app.

    The Alma API key requires read access.

    The image file server that serves the user's picture (if any) must be either accessible publicly or added to allowed lists as per campusM guidelines.

    PeopleSoft Vendor

    The IDP returns the end user's PeopleSoft ID attribute. In CMAuth, this attribute can have any name in the IDP attributes response (from SAML/OAuth/LDAP) but needs to be mapped in the Additional Mappings section of the CMAuth integration profile. The attribute is configured in the User Input Identifier field in the PeopleSoft API Configuration section of the App Manager configuration.

    The new mapping of the authentication token requires users to log out and log in to the app.


    To configure the GET ID Card product integration, select Add Product Integration from the Product Integrations main menu option.
    Select ID Card and the configuration page appears. The following table describes the configuration options available on this page.
    Configuration Option Description Mandatory Data Type Default Example
    Manage Integration
    Enable Product Integration Select to enable the product integration on the user's app. No Checkbox Unselected  
    Product Integration Description A description of the product integration for internal use Yes String    
    Screen Title The title that appears in the top header of the service No String ID Card  
    Vendor Name Defines to which vendor the integration connects. The ID Card product integration is currently supported by the RESTful API and IdP Details vendors. Yes Drop-down list   RESTful API
    RESTful API Configuration
    This section contains the RESTful API details to define the API structure. You can test the API configuration. See Testing API Product Integration Configuration.
    URL to retrieve the information The URL for the Web service Yes URL    
    URL Query Parameters The parameters sent as part of the query No String   For https://someHostName/serviceName?username={user}, the query parameter is username.    
    URL Path Parameters The parameters sent as part of the path     No String   For https://someHostName/serviceName/username, the path parameter is username.    
    General Headers Add (key, value) for additionally needed headers No String    
    Authentication Type Authentication type against the web service. The options are the following:
    • No Auth
    • Basic - username and password for Base64 basic authentication.
    • API Key - can be added to a Header or to the URL (Query Param) or both.
    • Bearer token
    • OAuth Using User App Authentication – select an OAuth integration profile (from the Integration Profiles configured in App Settings) and choose where the access token should be added, Header, or URL.
    • OAUTH Using Client Credentials – select this if you are using a preliminary token call to get the access token.
    Yes Drop-down list    
    Alma API Configuration
    Base URL to retrieve the information For example, Yes URL

    PeopleSoft API Configuration

    Base URL to retrieve the information  This is the full domain and path of the PeopleSoft query, minus the query parameters. Yes URL    
    User Input Identifier
    Parameter Input Option Either "Username", "Token Property" (from CMAuth) or "Constant" (for a static value) Yes Drop-down list   Username
    Token Property Name Only used if "Parameter Input Option" is "Token Property" No String    
    Constant Value Only used if "Parameter Input Option" is "Constant" No String    
    API Authentication
    Authentication Type Authentication type against the web service. The options are the following:
    • No Auth
    • Basic - username and password for Base64 basic authentication.
    • API Key - can be added to a Header or to the URL (Query Param) or both.
    Yes Drop-down list



    Show Advanced Settings

    Controls the display of 'Advanced Settings', below.





    Advanced Settings

    Unique Prompt Name

    For PeopleSoft, to determine the type of identifier being passed. This complements the prompt field value, which is determined by the User Identifier.





    Row Number

    The PeopleSoft query may return more than one row. Set the row number to be used for all query responses.





    API Cache

    A section to control settings related to the data cache for the product integration instance. Caching is enabled by default to reduce load on the configured API server.

    Time To Live The length of time the cache should last for before expiring and fetching fresh data from the configured API. Dependent on the unit format set below. No Integer 1  
    Unit Of Time The unit of time used in combination with 'Time To Live' above. This allows customization from one hour to many weeks. No Drop-down list Day(s)  
    Cache Enabled Deselect to disable API caching for this instance. The integration will revert to calling the configured API every time it is opened. No Checkbox True  

    Last Updated Widget

    A section that covers configuration for last updated widget in the event the cache is enabled.

    Enable Widget Enables or disables the widget. Disabled by default. No Checkbox No  
    Type Of Widget Either "Timestamp" or "Minute, Hour, Day". No Drop-down list   Timestamp
    Timestamp Text
    Shown if type of widget is "Timestamp".
    The text pattern for the widget. %datetime% is where the date and / or time goes.
    Last updated: %datetime%
    Timestamp Date Format
    Shown if type of widget is "Timestamp".
    The date format for the date and / or time to be displayed on the timestamp.
    dddd Do MMMM
    Widget Text (Recent)
    Shown if type of widget is "Minute, Hour, Day".
    The text pattern for the widget if data was updated in the past five minutes.
    Last updated less than five minutes ago
    Widget Text (Less Than An Hour)
    Shown if type of widget is "Minute, Hour, Day".
    The text pattern for the widget if data was updated in the last hour. %n% is where the number goes.
    Last updated %n% minutes ago
    Widget Text (Hours Ago)
    Shown if type of widget is "Minute, Hour, Day".
    The text pattern for the widget if data was updated sometime in the same day. %n% is where the number goes.
    Last updated %n% hours ago
    Widget Text (Yesterday)
    Shown if type of widget is "Minute, Hour, Day".
    The text pattern for the widget if data was updated the previous day.
    Last updated yesterday
    Widget Text (Days Ago)
    Shown if type of widget is "Minute, Hour, Day".
    The text pattern for the widget if data was updated more than a day ago. %n% is where the number goes.
    Last updated %n% days ago
    Widget Update Frequency
    How often the 'Minute, Hour, Day' widget update in seconds.
    Compact Display
    Enabled by default, the widget is set to take up minimal screen space. Uncheck to display more prominently.
    Link to Logo it is possible to provide the link from the customer’s server or import file from the customer’s asset. No URL    
    Barcode Source Select the barcode source. Two options are available:
    • Generate by app – this uses the ID Number - Code field.
    • Get by API – the Code field appears. Also used to "Generate by app" if the vendor is "Alma".
    Yes Drop-down list    
    Barcode Scheme The scheme used to generate the barcode. Only used when the Barcode Source is set to Generate by app. Yes Drop-down list Codabar  

    Get Barcode From User Identifiers

    Shown if the selected vendor is "Alma".

    Alma users have a list of user identifiers - check this to enable sourcing barcode data from these attribute values.

    No Checkbox No  
    Alma Barcode Type Determines which Alma attribute is used to present the barcode. This overrides Data Display under Basic Fields, below. No Drop-down list Description  
    Code The code in the API field that refers to the barcode image URL. Also used to "Generate by app" if the vendor is "Alma". No String barcode  
    Barcode Height Height of the generated barcode, in pixels. Does not apply if Barcode Scheme is QR Code. No Integer 50  
    Basic Fields
    Data Display
    Shown if the selected vendor is "Alma".
    Certain attributes in Alma have both a code value and a description. Use this to select which to display, for all relevant fields, including when setting the "Code" for User Identifiers.
    Display empty fields Indicate if you want the field to be displayed when the API returns an empty string. The options are:
    • Do not display – the fields are not displayed
    • Display empty – the fields are displayed with no value
    • Customize per field – determine per field if you want empty fields to be displayed
    Yes Drop-down list Do not display  

    Picture - Take From User Identifiers

    Shown if the selected vendor is "Alma".

    Alma users have a list of user identifiers - check this to enable sourcing the user photo from these attribute values.

    No Checkbox No  
    Picture - Code The code of the field in the API No String picture  
    Picture - Display The option to display or hide this field No Checkbox Yes  
    Picture - Enable Expandable Image Select to have an expandable user image No Checkbox No  
    ID Number - Code The code of the field in the API Yes, if the app is generating the barcode  String  studentID  
    ID Number - Label The label for the student ID number
    Centering an image reduces the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in the label.
    No String ID no.  
    ID Number - Display Select if you want to display the student ID number No Checkbox    
    Page Title - Code The code of the field in the API No String pageTitle  
    Page Title - Display The option to display or hide this field No Checkbox Yes  
    Time - Label The label for the dynamic time field No String Time  
    Time - Display The option to display or hide this field No Checkbox No  
    Time - Date and Time Format Formats the display of the dynamic time field No String MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a  
    Username - Label (only for IdP Details vendor) The label for the field
    Centering an image reduces the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in the label.
    No String Username  
    Username - Display (only for IdP Details vendor) The option to display or hide this field No Checkbox Yes  
    Email - Label (only for IdP Details vendor) The label for the field
    Centering an image reduces the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in the label.
    No String Email  
    Email - Display (only for IdP Details vendor) The option to display or hide this field No Checkbox Yes  
    Name - Label (only for IdP Details vendor) The label for the field
    Centering an image reduces the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in the label.
    No String Name  
    Name - Display (only for IdP Details vendor) The option to display or hide this field No Checkbox Yes  
    Custom Fields
    Code The code of the field in the API Yes String    
    Label The label of the field
    Centering an image reduces the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in the label.
    Yes String    
    Display if Empty Select if you want to display the custom field if the field is empty No Checkbox    
    Look and Feel
    Primary Theme Color Select a color for the main elements on the page No Color Picker #444444  
    Secondary Theme Color Select a color for the secondary elements on the page No Color Picker #6f8ea4  
    Background Color Select a color for the background of the page No Color Picker  #ffffff  
    Text Color Select a color for the text on the page No Color Picker #000000  
    Logo Orientation Select where the logo should be positioned No Drop-down list Top Right  
    Image Orientation Select where the image should be positioned No Drop-down list Top Center  
    Error Message Message to display when there's an error retrieving the data. No String Unable to reach the service at this time. Please try again later  
    Import/ Export Configuration
    You can configure product integration and then export it to another campusM environment, for example, from sandbox to production or from preview to production.  
    Import your File Here Select Choose File to select a file to import data No Button    
    Export Create a JSON file with all product integration configurations. No      
    Import Use this option to load configuration from JSON of an exported product integration. No      
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