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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Client Center: Library Settings

    Product: 360 Core Client Center


    How do we work with Library Settings in the Client Center?

    Libraries use the Library Settings features to enter library address and contact information, URLs, IPs, date formats, and more. Generally this information only needs to be entered once and is infrequently updated by libraries.

    The changes made in this section go live after the cache refresh.

    Library Settings is accessible from the Client Center Home page under Manage Your Library:

    Client Center Home - Library Settings

    You may also watch a short instructional video about Library Settings in 360 Core: Video Tutorials under the section titled Common Client Center Administrative Tasks.

    Each page in the Library Settings section is editable. For any page, click Edit in the upper-right side to enter or edit information. Be sure to click Save to save your changes. Changes will take effect for your users after the daily profile data refresh.

    Here is a view of the Library Information section:


    Click a subject in this list to jump to that section of information later on this page:

    Library Info

    The first screen is Library Info (Information). Most of this information may have already been filled in for you by Ex Libris. We encourage you to review them and to fill in any missing information.

    Library URLs

    Here is a view of the Library URLs section:


    This view consists of the following options:

    • Library/Institution URLs – Library URL and Institution URL are optional fields. Enter your library URL as well as the link to your institution's web site in these fields. Having access to those URLs can help Support when trying to resolve an issue with your profile.

    • OPAC Information – To add your library's catalog information, first select your OPAC Type and then add the URL to access your Catalog.

      We also encourage you to include a URL to access an individual record from your catalog in the OPAC Record URL field. This provides us with an item-level linking syntax that will be used in Summon, and is also useful for our Support team when creating custom links to your OPAC in 360 Link.

    • Authentication Type – Select your library's Authentication Type. An Authentication Type must be selected for proxy setup. Otherwise, the proxy URL will not apply in Summon. If none of the available options seem to apply, use Custom or Fully Coded URL.

      • For OpenAthens, we support Fully Coded URL and Redirector.

      • If you are using EBSCOhost customer IDs to authenticate, you must select the Redirector option. For more details, see 360 Core: OpenAthens Redirector Proxy Setup.

      • For Summon clients, there can be a delay of up to 72 hours between when a proxy URL or Authentication Type is changed and when the proxy configuration is updated in Summon. If you cannot keep your old and new proxy servers running concurrently for that time, you should contact Support and request that we perform daily manual overrides during this time period.

    • Proxy URL – Specify the proxy URL that is added to the beginning of the title and database links in the E-Journal Portal and to the article and journal links in 360 Link, as well as article-level links in Summon. You can suppress this proxy on a database-by-database level if necessary.

      For additional details, see the following topics:

      • For Summon users, a change to the Proxy URL field is unlike other Library Settings that take effect for your users after the daily profile data refresh; a proxy URL change will take effect in Summon when CDI is updated. This likely means the change will go live in a few days. You can, however, immediately test your updated proxy URL by previewing title-level links in the Client Center.

      • For Summon clients, there can be a delay of up to 72 hours between when a proxy URL or Authentication Type is changed and when the proxy configuration is updated in Summon. If you cannot keep your old and new proxy servers running concurrently for that time, you should contact Support and request that we perform daily manual overrides during this time period.

    • Link Resolver Product and Base URL – If your library uses a link-resolver product, select the product and provide the URL. The link resolver information is used by Summon, and is otherwise informational only. If you use 360 Link, the URL will be populated for you. For more, see Getting Started with 360 Link. For 360 Link, the Link Resolver Base URL should be provided to your referring sources for linking through 360 Link to full-text content

    • E-Journal Portal URL – If you want patrons to be able to access the E-Journal Portal, this is the URL you will provide (or link to from your library's web pages).

    • Force HTTPS At All Times – Select this option If you want to enforce encryption and ensure that E-Journal Portal 2.0 and 360 Link 2.0 do not display mixed content in the browser.

    Library/Institutions IPs

    Add your library's IPs by clicking Add and adding the IP address or range of addresses. Enter full IP addresses or ranges in these fields, like this:

    The system does not accept CIDR format, like this:

    For more on entering your library or institution IP addresses and/or ranges, click here.

    Other Settings

    Depending on the Ex Libris Services that you have, you will see different fields on this page:

    Client Center - Library Settings - Other Settings

    The Local Currency field is used by 360 Resource Manager and 360 Counter for costs.

    The Date Format controls how dates are displayed to your patrons in 360 Search, 360 Counter, and 360 Resource Manager, as well as in Data on Demand. This change becomes effective in Data on Demand after the cache refresh.

    To change date formats for your other patron-facing services, you'll need to make the changes in the Custom Text (Advanced) sections of the E-Journal Portal Adminstration Console and 360 Link Administration Console.

    The Fiscal or Calendar Year Begins is used by 360 Counter and 360 Resource Manager to define the beginning of the year for costs. This is set to January by default, and you'll need to ask us if you need to change it. See more on the Fiscal Year Setting.

    Ex Libris Permissions

    If your library has 360 Counter or 360 Resource Manager, you can choose to block Ex Libris from accessing some or all of your library's data.

    • Date Created: 9-Feb-2014

    • Last Edited Date: 16-Dec-2020

    • Old Article Number: 7515