360 Core and 360 Counter: Usage Statistics and Consolidated Reports Overview
- Product: 360 Counter
How do I find out more about using the 360 usage statistics reports and 360 Counter consolidated usage and cost reports?
360 Usage Statistics and 360 Counter consolidated usage and cost reports are available on the Intota Assessment Platform. The reports may look similar, however, they are counting different types of usage, which are described below.
360 Usage Statistics
You can use ProQuest usage statistics to keep track of three different metrics:
- A count of searches within ProQuest management and discovery services, broken out by search type.
- A count of subject browses within the 360 subject hierarchy.
- A count of all e-resource and database clicks when your patrons access those resources using Serials Solutions resource discovery tools - these are called "click-through stats."
Statistics are available as far back as January 2006.
ProQuest collects these statistics based on your patrons' use of our discovery tools to access electronic resources. However, these statistics will not show usage of resources that have been accessed from any another tools (such as directly from a provider's native interface).
For more details, see the 360 Usage Statistics documentation.
360 Counter Consolidated Reports
360 Counter is an assessment tool designed to help your library aggregate and meaningfully analyze usage statistics from e-resource providers. Use 360 Counter to make sense out of this data and make decisions for your library by answering questions like:
- Which subscriptions should we protect?
- Which journals or databases can be cancelled?
- Which databases provide the best return on investment?
360 Counter uses Project COUNTER-compliant usage data from your providers, and as such will represent all the usage your library has recorded with them through any of the interfaces you offer to your patrons, including ProQuest discovery services as well as native interfaces:
For more details, see Using the Functionality in your Consolidated Usage and Cost Reports.
Consolidated reports are based on the COUNTER usage reports and cost information that your library maintains in its Client Center profile. For a complete view of 360 Counter documentation see the 360 Counter User Guide.
Consolidated reports are based on the COUNTER usage reports and cost information that your library maintains in its Client Center profile. For a complete view of 360 Counter documentation see the 360 Counter User Guide.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 28-Jun-2015
- Old Article Number: 7033