360 Link: Administration Console -- Full-Text Links
- Product: 360 Link
How do I configure the full-text links options in the 360 Link Administration Console?
This page is part of a larger set of documentation about using the Administration Console to configure your 360 Link service.
To configure the linking behavior of your 360 Link service, go to the Full-Text Links page in the Administration Console.
Here is the initial Full-Text Links screen in the Administration Console:

To start, click Edit in the upper-right corner of the screen. After you make changes, click Save, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
Changes to the behavior of 360 Link will be visible to patrons the day after you make a change. To see how your changes will look without having to wait, click the Preview button.
Deduplicate Links: By default, 360 Link will display all full-text results even if some are duplicates of the same article. If you enable deduplication, 360 Link will not display redundant results-page links.
For example, if you have an article available in multiple Gale and ProQuest databases, deduplicate article-level links based on provider will show only one link from Gale and ProQuest. If you choose deduplicate all article level links, only one link will show, based upon which database is ranked highest in your Database Details settings.
Prevent Circular Links: By default, 360 Link will provide links that sometimes may lead the patron back to the Referring Source from which they started their search (taking them in a circle). This can happen when a database provider claims it has 100-percent full-text coverage but in reality does not.
However, unless you find circular linking occurs regularly, we suggest you do not prevent circular linking. Circular linking can actually be useful for times when a patron doesn't notice that full-text is available in the database they searched. With circular linking enabled, 360 Link can present the full-text that the user didn't notice initially.
You can set up circular link prevention for provider (aggregator) or database links. You can also prevent circular links on custom links by reading this information.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 29-Dec-2020
- Old Article Number: 7214