360 Link: FAQ for New Clients
- Product: 360 Link
I'm a new 360 Link client: Is there a list of general questions and answers about 360 Link?
Note: These FAQs currently reflect the legacy 360 Link interface, not 360 Link with Index-Enhanced Direct Linking (IEDL). Your 360 Link Implementation Specialist, or the Getting Started guide, are currently the best resources to start with.
What is 360 Link? Is it a search engine?
No, 360 Link is not a search engine. Basically, 360 Link is a tool that has the specific syntax needed to get a patron directly from a citation to the full-text of an article, for each database that supports that type of linking. See 360 Link Linking and OpenURL Basics.
No, 360 Link is not a search engine. Basically, 360 Link is a tool that has the specific syntax needed to get a patron directly from a citation to the full-text of an article, for each database that supports that type of linking. See 360 Link Linking and OpenURL Basics.
What's the first thing I should do to set up 360 Link?
Although your 360 Link subscription is considered live from the moment we turn it on for your library, actually making it available to your patrons is up to you.
The best place to start is the Getting Started with 360 Link with IEDL (Index-Enhanced Direct Linking) guide.
What is my "Base URL"?
Your 360 Link Base URL is the URL that you use to get your E-Journal Portal. An example for a Base URL is http://123abc456.search.serialssolutions.com/.
I have heard about OpenURL. What is it and what does it have to do with 360 Link?
OpenURL is the language used by databases and other websites to pass citation information from one website to another. See 360 Link Linking and OpenURL Basics.
What are Sources and Targets? What do I have to do to set them up?
A "source" (or referring source) is a database that can send citation data to an OpenURL link resolver. Use the Referring Source Setup Guide to set them up for your library.
A "target" is generally a full-text database that supports OpenURL linking. ProQuest creates targets on an ongoing basis and adds new targets regularly. Generally, there is no specific work for you to do to set up Targets within 360 Link.
What is a custom link?
A custom link is a link that is displayed at the bottom of your 360 Link Results Page. You can turn on Custom Links using the 360 Link Administration Console. You can request specific links by using the 360 Link Customization Form.
Can 360 Link auto-populate my ILL form or send URLs to my federated-search system?
Yes, 360 Link can support most ILL web-forms and federated-search systems, as long as they support OpenURL-linking. When you submit your 360 Link Customization Form, you can indicate the Base URL to your ILL form (or any other resource) and we will do the rest. If a resource does not support OpenURL, we can still provide a link
I don't like the way my 360 Link looks. I would like to make some changes to the text and the header and footer. Can I make these changes in Intota / Client Center?
Yes. Libraries using Intota and libraries using the Client Center can make 360 Link changes by using the 360 Link Administration Console.
What do I have to do to enable, or "turn on," article-level linking in 360 Link?
Nothing; ProQuest maintains all the links to full-text content in 360 Link.
If for any reason you have deselected the Display In checkbox for a resource (in its Database Details or Holdings Details page), then that resource will not appear in 360 Link results pages. Read more about that here.
If for any reason you have deselected the Display In checkbox for a resource (in its Database Details or Holdings Details page), then that resource will not appear in 360 Link results pages. Read more about that here.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 9-Apr-2015
- Old Article Number: 7239