ALEPH user z305 records in version 18
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
For v18, I filled in "ALEPH" under the 9th column of "tab_sub_library.eng" of the $alephe/tab directory, and that has enabled the display of the "Global User" of the "ALEPH" sublibrary to display in the GUI Circ Local Patron Information screen.
However, the "Patron Status", "Description", "Expiration Date", etc., columns are blank for this ALEPH user, whereas in v16 there were values in all of these columns.
Is this a problem -- or is this a change in v18?
Prior to v18, every patron had to have an ALEPH z305 record. If the system found it was missing, it would create one automatically.
In v18, a patron can have an ALEPH global record -- but does not have to.
While all the z305's were stored in the ADM library prior to v18, in v18 the ALEPH global record, if it exists, is stored in the $usr_library.
(The idea is that, in a multi-ADM setup, rather than maintaining a separate z305 record for each ADM, the ALEPH z305 can be shared by those ADMs which do not have their own ADM-level z305 for the patron.)
Just as the columns in the Local Patron Information screen are blank for any sublibrary which does not actually have a z305 record for the patron, the columns in the "ALEPH" line will be blank in the case where the patron does not have an ALEPH z305 record.
You can use the following SQL to determine how many ALEPH records you have:
s+ <your $usr_library>
SQL> select count(*) from z305 where substr (z305_rec_key,13,5) = 'ALEPH';
Additional Information
aleph user, faq
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013