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    Add a search choice in GUI for Item processing status

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We would like to add an additional search choice in the GUI (GUI only, not web OPAC).

    Right now, in the dropdown for advanced search in the GUI, there are a number of choices, including "item status".

    We would like to add a search for "item processing status", so that we can search for records that are, for example, at the "bindery", "in process", "lost", "missing", "on exhibition" etc.--all the item processing status categories that are in our profile.

    I see in the abc01 tab11_word that the subfield being sent to the WIP ("Item Status") index is the PST $$7, the item-process-status.*

    { When the z30_item_process status is non-blank, a PST $$7 is generated; when the z30_item_process_status is blank, a $$6 (with the z30_item_status) is generated. I see that the $$6 is not being indexed, so -- as you have discovered -- you have the ability to search on the item-process-status -- but not the item-status. (The latter is probably not so useful.) }

    We have updated the pc_tab_sear.eng, changing the text from "Item Status" to "Item Processing Status".


    Additional Information

    * In order to generate the PST field, the expand_doc_bib_loc_n_x routines must be included in tab_expand, as described in the article   expand_doc_bib_loc_usm **MASTER RECORD**.   For inclusion in the keyword index, they would need to be added to the WORD section of tab_expand.



    • Article last edited: 23-Mar-2016