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    After p_manage_21 in abc60, wsl search in abc01 stills retrieves old value

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We ran p_manage_21 and successfully changed the 852 sublibrary from CDRH to WO (and propagated the change to the connected items), but we find that the wsl=cdrh search is still bringing up thousands of hits.

    The change to the abc01 Word index (which is what you are searching when you do wsl=cdrh) occurs as follows:

    1. p_manage_21 writes a z07 indexing request to abc01

    2. the abc01 ue_01 processes the z07 and updates the Word index.

    #1 occurred, but #2 has not.

    This is because the abc01 ue_01 process has been stopped on Test since Sept. 4. We see the following at the end of the run_e_01.4603 log:

    Oracle error: io_commit
    ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitte

    Oracle error: update_cursor1 z52
    ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

    * No ORACLE connection - process is terminated... *

    The abc01 ue_01 needs to be restarted. Once it is done processing the 4808 z07 indexing requests, you should no longer get results for the wsl=cdrh search.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013